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Murray Journal

Murray coalition seeks partners to tackle mental health issues, substance disorders

Mar 01, 2024 01:28PM ● By Shaun Delliskave

Members of Murray’s Youth Chamber of Commerce visit the State Capitol. (Photo courtesy of Sheri Van Bibber)

In a significant move to bolster community health and unity, the "Murray Partners 4 Prevention" coalition is experiencing a revival. Spearheaded by the Murray Chamber of Commerce, the initiative is a collaborative effort, reimagined post-COVID, to foster stronger connections between government, residents and businesses in Murray.

Sheri Van Bibber, a representative from the Murray Chamber of Commerce, explained the coalition's revival, "Historically, the coalition was managed by a small group, which was unsustainable during Covid. The county encouraged us to bring it back to reignite collaboration across the Murray community. Our goal is to support all levels of needs, ensuring positive health and wellness outcomes and making our city more connected through common goals, networks and resources."

The primary focus of the coalition revolves around substance use prevention, mental health support and suicide prevention. "Data indicates that Murray's youth, along with the rest of the state's youth, continue to experience increased rates of anxiety, depression and substance use," Murray City School District’s Prevention and YIC Coordinator Sierra Marsh said. The school district employs various professionals to support these youth, but a larger community approach is essential for a sustainable impact. "Part of the work of the coalition in this round of beginning stages will be to collaboratively identify specific, measurable goals with outcomes that can impact the community at large," Marsh added, highlighting the proactive and collaborative nature of the initiative.

The coalition's approach to addressing community needs and strengths is particularly noteworthy. "No one person can know all the needs and strengths of a community," Van Bibber said. The coalition's diverse membership, representing various sectors, will play a crucial role in identifying these needs and strengths.

Discussing the role of collaboration, Van Bibber elaborated, "In the beginning phases, we created a list of various organizations and associations. This initial list is a starting point in identifying key sectors to a healthy community. We hope to have representatives from each sector on our Leadership Board, who will then report back to their respective sectors about coalition action plans and ideas."

The coalition's structure is based on four pillars: health, education, business and community engagement. "These four sectors are somewhat of an umbrella, creating an alliance that covers a wide range of the Murray community and benefits everyone," Van Bibber said. The first meeting will focus on maximizing community engagement and creating initiatives supported by all pillars.

Emphasizing an evidence-based approach, Van Bibber mentioned the coalition's partnership with the Salt Lake County Health Department, which guides them in evidence-based practices. "This ensures that our initiatives, programs, interventions, and strategies are more effective, saving time and resulting in a greater impact sooner," Van Bibber said.

The long-term vision of the coalition is inclusivity. "We envision an approach where key leaders in the various pillars will disseminate and generate information from others within their areas of expertise," Van Bibber said. The aim is to establish a method of communication among all community organizations, including businesses, nonprofits, front-line workers, religious groups, medical professionals, youth, older adults, residents and government employees.

However, challenges are inherent in such an ambitious project. "The beginning phases are all about aligning the pieces together," Van Bibber said. But the coalition is optimistic, drawing inspiration from 15 other cities working with the county. "We aim to learn 'Best Practices' but also create a foundation tailored to Murray’s specific needs," she concluded.

If your organization is interested in participating in the Murray Partners 4 Prevention Coalition contact Sierra Marsh at the Murray City School District ( or Sheri Van Bibber at Murray Chamber of Commerce ( λ