Chamber Corner: Upcoming Events
Feb 13, 2015 06:11PM ● By City Journals StaffFirst Fridays With Eggs At Corner Bakery
We will meet for Eggs & Issues the FIRST Friday of the month at Corner Bakery for open networking. They are located at 6227 South State Street, Fashion Place Mall.
We meet from 7:30am – 8:30am. No speakers scheduled the first Friday meetings. No cost unless you order from the menu.
February Eggs & Issues Speaker Schedule:
Feb. 6th: Open Networking at Corner Bakery: come meet like-minded community leaders and business owners in Murray. We want to know how to help you!
Feb. 13th at Mimi’s: Murray Chief of Police, Craig Burnett will speak on current police issues in the news and how it impacts you.
Feb. 20th at Mimi’s: Utah Radon Coalition. What is radon and why you should know about it.
Feb. 27 at Mimi’s: Girl Scouts of Utah will inform us on how they have changed over the years and *possibly* have Girl Scout Cookies available for purchase!
2nd Annual Legislative Breakfast: Saturday, Feb. 21st
Join us on Saturday, Feb. 21st as we welcome our 2015 State Legislators and Senators for breakfast and conversation. They will discuss the most pressing bills being presented during this Legislative session. We will welcome questions from the audience.
Holiday Inn Express & Suiteslocated at 5429 So. Commerce Drive
Time: 9:00 – 10:30am
Cost: FREE, open to public
Thank you to our sponsors: Intermountain Medical Center, Holiday Inn Express & Suites and the Murray Area Chamber of Commerce