Grant Run Raises Funds for School PTA Activities
Dec 08, 2015 08:37AM ● By Julie Slama
By Julie Slama
Murray - About $9,000 was raised as 400 Grant Elementary students ran Oct. 23 in the school’s annual fun run fundraiser.
The funds are earmarked for school Parent-Teacher Association activities, such as Reflections, classroom supplies, field trip transportation, teacher appreciation, Meet the Masters art program and other events, Grant PTA president Diana Stewart said.
“One hundred percent of the money goes to the school, so we’ve found this type of fundraiser very successful,” Stewart said.
During the run, which was to the theme of “Everyday Superheroes,” kindergartners ran about one-half of one mile around the school track, while first through third graders ran one mile on the school grounds. Older students ran 1.5 miles through the neighborhood, escorted by Murray City Police and cheered by parent volunteers, who staffed water stations.
The top 12 finishers in each grade, both boys and girls, received ribbons and superhero shirts and socks in a bag presented by Miss Murray Nicole Montgomery.
The top class raising the most money was Carmen Fiori’s fourth-grade class. As a reward for being the class not only with the most funds, but also exceeding $1,000, they will have a swim party and game party. Two other top classes received a no-homework day, eight classes were awarded with superhero bingo games and everyone received popsicles.