Ski & Snowboard News / Whacky pond skimming at Park City on Saturday
Mar 17, 2016 02:42PM ● By Harriet Wallisphoto: Harriet Wallis
Pond skimming is the annual rites of spring at Park City. Skiers and boarders dress in crazy costumes and try to have just the right balance and momentum to cross the 100 foot long pond. A few make it across. But most flail and sink to the roar of the enthusiastic crowd. Saturday's event is the 9th annual pond skimming contest.
The pond and the excitement happen at mid-mountain just outside Red Pine Lodge. Spectators will need a lift or gondola ticket to watch. Then, hit up the Canyons Village for a free concert.
For 16 days Park City has free concerts in the two resort villages as well as the famous Pond Skimming Contest. Get in on the fun.