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Murray Journal

Barrington Place Senior LivingBarrington Place Senior Living

Jul 06, 2016 09:45AM ● By Bryan Scott

Jerry Erwin’s dedication to seniors and those with memory loss started when his own mother, Margaret, developed Alzheimer’s disease.  She lived with the disease for over 7 years.  Following her passing, Jerry soon realized there was a tremendous need for specialized dementia care within high-quality facilities. 

 It was that personal experience that led Jerry to think of a better solution for those in the same position as his mother—a place that catered to them and their very unique needs. In 1993, after months of drawing and redrawing plans, and looking at every aspect that he could, Jerry and his extended family built his first dedicated memory care community in Tumwater, Washington. This was the first of a long line of successful developments built with the love and understanding of the dementia care model that still exists today. Even to this day, JEA continually looks at ways to better their design to fit the needs of those suffering from Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

Today JEA is continuing its passion and love for those who suffer from this devastating disease. It is JEA's mission to offer as many families the care that they and their loved ones deserve. As JEA continues its growth, the one philosophy stays the same, and that is to care for each resident with the love and attention that Jerry expected for his mother. JEA is now in its second generation of leadership and the philosophy is still the same.

JEA has a simple mission: Committed to being the leader in providing quality personal services for residents while honoring the experience of aging. 

JEA will have two locations opening this summer to serve the needs of those suffering from memory impairment in the Salt Lake City area. One will be Pheasant Run in South Jordan, and the other will be Barrington Place in Clinton. Both locations will be a part of the exclusive Meaningful Moments® program developed by JEA. This program is specifically designed to help meet the needs of those residents with memory loss. The caring staff of Pheasant Run and Barrington Place will learn about your loved one’s life story—likes, dislikes, and cherished memories—and will develop a unique care plan to meet physical and cognitive needs. The individualized care plan will also address social, emotional, mental and spiritual needs to ensure holistic care.  By adding details and preferences from each resident’s life story into their day, the staff at each location can build comfort and a sense of meaning for each individual resident. The result is a familiar, comfortable atmosphere for your loved one. 

To find out more about JEA  you can attend their free educational series on Dementia. The first class will be held June 9th at the South Jordan Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. The topic of the meeting is Understanding Different Dementia and Stages of the Disease. RSVP to Bart McFall at
801-231-3793 or visit their website at