The Second Day of July
Aug 03, 2016 08:25AM ● By Alisha SoekenKimi Marshall walks in the Murray Fun Day Parade. Photo by Katie Terry
By Alisha Soeken | [email protected]
Murray, Utah - Thirteen gunshots were fired, ships in port were draped in red white and blue bunting and much like today, the first Independence Day celebration in 1777 was held with music, parades and fireworks.
In 1776 the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain was approved on the second day of July. It wasn’t until the fourth that the Declaration of Independence was also approved. To commemorate that day a federal holiday was established.
Jamie Holbein celebrated that holiday as a recent citizen of the United States. Born in England Holbein moved to the U.S in 2002 and became a citizen two years ago.
“My favorite thing about the Forth of July is the way that America recognizes and honors current and past armed forces. The country shows great respect for them.” Holbein said.
Holbein’s wife Taralee also appreciates the holiday. Recently in a new light.
“Now that my daughter Jacqueline is older it was a lot of fun to see her get excited about the floats and getting candy.” Taralee said.
Lucille Marcum and her family also enjoy floats. Marcum was born in Toulouse France but having lived in the United States for 22 years has a great appreciation for its history. A history that includes Thomas Jefferson, who at age 33, was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
“I love this country. I love the fact that we have the declaration of independence. It was meant to protect the citizens of this country. People seem to think that it has become no longer necessary. The country is great partially because of this great document. If we loose it, this country will no longer be the same.” Marcum said.
As well as understanding its history, Marcum appreciates this country’s diversity.
“Diversity is a great thing because it teaches us tolerance. There is so much everyone can contribute to society.” Marcum said.
Part of that society filled State Street for the Forth of July Fun Days Parade filled with floats, cops, clowns and candy. Kimi Marshall a bounding brown-eyed 7-year-old walked and waved her way along the parade route. Marshall performed in the production ‘Tarzan’ part of the Murray Arts in the Park 2016 season.
“The Parade was so fun. My mom and dad and grandpa and grandma were in the crowd. When I saw them I got so excited I started doing cartwheels.” Marshall said.
This was Marshall’s second time in the Murray Parade. In 2014 Marshall and her mother performed in ‘Shrek’ and walked together in the parade.
“We threw candy together it was so fun. I liked being in Shrek because I was a lot of things; a doll, country girl, dwarf and bunny.” Marshall said.
Marshall’s joy, her freedom and opportunity are part of what make this country and its history vital. On the surface Independence Day may be parades, fireworks and fun. But at its core are values, morals, God and country. And though he was off by two days in his prediction, the second president of the United States John Adams decree was in part fulfilled in Murray City’s celebration.
“The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.” John Adams.