Ski & Snowboard News / Resorts celebrate New Year's eve with fun and activities
Dec 29, 2016 03:42PM ● By Harriet Wallis
photo: courtesy of Alta Noah Wetzel
Resorts kick off the New Year with lots of activities for adults and kids.
At Alta, intermediate children and adult skiers can participate in Alta's torchlight parade from the Collins lift mid-station . A $10 entry fee goes to the Utah Food Bank. Registration is required.
Snowbird has a torchlight parade and also fireworks. There are fire pits on the Plaza deck and hot cocoa there. There's a special New Year's even dinner. The Wildflower Lounge will rock until after midnight. And you can book overnight accommodations at the Cliff Lodge.
Solitude celebrates the new year for several days. On Friday, Dec. 30, there are complimentary hot chocolate and snacks. Once it's dark, kids 12 and under can participate in a glow light parade down Main Street from the Moonbeam lift. Registration is required.
On New Year's eve, Solitude's staff will put on a torchlight parade that can be best watched from the Last Chance Lodge. Refreshments can be purchased.
Brighton celebrates New Year's eve by giving its staff the evening off. There will be no night skiing at Brighton on New Year's eve.